you have but one's too short to fret...
it's too short to hang onto things you should forget...
so love all the way, live it all and not part...
and learn to keep peace in your heart...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Time and Technology

On my journey into the newer technology... I received a note from a high school friend who welcomed me to the "wireless world"...and commented that he was amazed at the changes we could still make in our mid-50' first I was going to write back with something snarky/
     "Are you talking to ME?  Mid 50's?  Why I just turned 21 on my last birthday!"  (with 34 years of experience of
But instead got to thinking...I was 5 when my parents, sister and I moved to the Space Coast...(which at that time was JUST becoming the "Space Coast")...we had a black and white TV...just barely...that used rabbit ear antenna and only got 3 channels if we were lucky...a phone that was connected to the wall...though we had sent up a had not yet gone up in space...let alone to the moon...and if we wanted to listen to music not on a record player...we had to sit in the car or needed a transister of the changes that have happened since my reply was instead:
     "lol...yes...think of all that's happened since we were the time we're 90 we'll be able to think ourselves"

Themore I thought about it the more I began to wonder just how long it would take?  I sure would like to see Greece this afternoon...and perhaps have dinner atop the Space Needle in Seattle...and wake up on a tropical island and swim in a clear ocean...and visit loved ones any time I wish...just by thinking myself there...
     "Beam me up, Scottie...and anywhere else I choose to go!"

Monday, March 28, 2011

Starting Fresh

   One step at a start fresh on a new day...all things from the past that weigh you down are gone...all that is is in front of you...
   This "start fresh" morning began with that doesn't really sound like a pleasant day...but in reality...rain is what cleanses the world...calms the dust and pollen...waters the grass and flowers and trees...brings new life to seeds and things that lie dormant in the ground..."showers" of rain...just like showering your body...all things are fresh and new...and when the sun next shines...things will seem brighter than before...
   So...since we are closing the old and opening the it will be with the blog...the email pillows for the bed...newly made quilt for the spread...freshly laundered clothes and dusted, vacuumed and mopped...just new and fresh...and it only stands to reason...after's SPRING!
   A week long visit with a friend from up north has ended...but what a wonderful week it was...she had an AMAZING weather week...sunny and in the 80's every day she was here...of course...the locals...including me...enjoyed it too...
   A fellow beadworker...we had one FULL day of playing at the bead store...that was so fun...and we learned a LOT...and spent the money we had been saving since last year since she was dime...learned some new stitches...learned designs for several lovely bracelets...had dinner with my family...went to the spa for a massage...went to a cove I know and watched the manatees...just all around a wonderful week...can't wait til she visits next year...already have my "change collecting bank" going for the beads I'm certain I'll
   Just got a text from her...sunny...but in the 40's...told her..."If it makes you feel any's raining here" have rain than cold...any day of the week...
   Love and blessings to you...may you stand in His grace...